Monday 23 May 2011

Is it wise to keep your treasured chooks in your bathroom ?

The reason I ask is because I have three of them resident in the smallest room, only in my case, or rather that of my chickens, it's a rather spacious room, with a roll top bath and a heated towel rail which, naturally, I have to leave on to keep my darling chooks chooks warm, despite the fact that it's May.

The downside, and if you've ever kept chickens you'll know, is that they pooh. Rather alot. In fact what comes out seems wholly disproportionate to what goes in, and despite having a handsome WC, they seem oblivious to it's obvious benefits and prefer to redecorate the floor tiles in various shades of green and brown, which isn't so bad in daylight, one can navigate ones way to one's own ablutions without much of a mishap, only it does get slightly more hazardous at night as I have found out to my cost almost every night since they took up residence.

Can there be any more pampered ex-battery hens on the planet ?

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