Tuesday 7 June 2011

Hurry up and take the photo, my arms are killing me

OK, so this is Tracy, and she's scared of chickens. She'd like to like chickens, but can't cope with the thought of the flapping, not to mention the claws, the beaks and the general screeching.

So to start her off with some chicken therapy, I chose the largest one, the one that looks like a beach ball that's been rolled in feathers, the one that weighs the same as a toddler. In other words Tilly.

Now Tilly is deceptive. Sure she's massive and with one beat of her wings could knock you out and disembowel you at the same time (I thought it unwise to mention this to Tracy) but, despite her size, she's as graceful as a ballerina. Plus I'd just fed her and she was drunk on a surfeit of corn and as a placid as a kitten.

So if you'd like to like chickens, give it a go and cuddle the biggest one you can find.

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