Friday 3 June 2011

Life's not so nice when you have lice

Another day, another chicken in my bath tub.

The reason I know my chickens have been invaded with lice is because I picked one of my girls up, as I often do, and felt that tell tale tickle of lice running up my arm.

Now the lice don't bite, they don't live on humans, but they do like feathers and dead skin to nibble on and the tickle of just one louse on my arm must be nothing compared to the infestation I found on Pickle.

Now lice aren't that hard to spot, it's just that they don't live on a part of the chicken that you'd normally choose to spend your time on, but get up close and personal with the business end of a chicken and you'll see dozens of them running for cover.

So it's into the bathtub with some mite powder for all twenty this evening. Wow, my Friday night's rock.

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